自行车翻译 您所在的位置:网站首页 shared bike是什么意思 自行车翻译


2024-01-20 16:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.      自行车曾经是中国城乡最主要的交通工具,中国一度被称为“自行车王国”。

Bicycles were once the main  transport tool in rural areas and

cities of China,  what’s more,China was called as“ the

kingdom of bicycles”

[第一句最大的失败是几个词的翻译,首先是“交通工具”,transport tool【运输工具】不太准确],transport是可以的】

【副词一般放在实义动词之前,情态动词、助动词、be 动词之后。所以是Bicycles were once ,而不是Bicycle once were ;另外she is often也是可以的often 要放在be动词之后】

【king 与kingdom,这里应该使用king而不是kingdom ,王国而不是国王。】

【我看到有的翻译用That’s why连接来两个句子,感觉在逻辑上也毫无违和感】



2. 如今,随着城市交通拥堵和空气污染日益严重,骑自行车又开始流行起来。

一.Nowadays,With/ As the situation about transportation jam and air pollution

in cites  become increasingly serious, riding a bicycle become a trend again.

二.Nowadays, as the problem of urban traffic congestion and air pollution grows increasingly serious, bicycle riding has become popular again.

【the problem of 属于加词,这个加词作的比较成功,urban traffic congestion and air

pollution  就是属于问题的一种】

三.With the growing traffic congestion/ jam(拥堵)  and air pollution in cities, bicycles now have started to (开始)become popular again.

【用了the growing——不断增长,加上后面加的是坏的现象现象,翻译为日益严重也是可以的 】

【首先交通拥堵这个词有点难,traffic jam 能写出的人应该不多】


3.       近来,中国企业家【通过】将移动互联网技术与传统自行车结合在一起,发明了一种称为共享单车的商业模式。

一.Recently, Chinese businessmen have combined  the mobile internet technology with traditional bicycles to create a commercial model called shared bicycles.

二. Recently, through combining mobile Internet technology with traditional bicycles, Chinese entrepreneurs have created an industry known as “bicycle-sharing”.

三. Recently, combining mobile Internet technology with traditional bicycles, Chinese entrepreneurs have invented a business model of shared bicycles.

四. Recently, China's entrepreneurs have combined mobile Internet technologies with bicycles and invented the business model of bike-sharing.



【entrepreneur 太复杂了需要用businessmen 】

【商业模式还是用 business model 比较好一点,毕竟commercial model 外国人不这么用】



4.      共享单车的出现使骑车出行更加方便,人们仅需用一部手机就可以随时使用共享单车。

一. The emergence of  the shared bicycles makes it more convenient for people to go out. people can only use shared bicycles by /with a mobile phone  at any time.

二.  People  can use a shared bicycle at any time with only one mobile phone, which

三. It is convenient for us to g allows cycling more convenient.o outside due to the appearance of shared bicycle. People can use a shared bicycle at any time with only one mobile phone.

四.  The appearance of shared bikes has made it more convenient for people to get around, and people can ride bikes at any time only with the help of a mobile phone.

【with the help of, 在什么什么的帮助下,也挺好的。】


这里用appearance 有点道理。 毕竟这个出现指的是especially when it is unexpected,就是包含突然出现的意思。


5.      为了鼓励人们骑车出行,很多城市修建了自行车道。

一.Many cities  built a lot of bicycle roads to encourage people to go out by bicycles

【这句话的自行车道,估计很多人翻译不出来,bike lanes,bicycle lanes 自行车道】

6.      现在,越来越多的中国人也喜欢通过骑车健身。

一.Nowadays, more and more Chinese also like build up their bodies by riding bicycles.

二.To encourage people to travel by bike, many cities have built bike lanes.

Now, more and more Chinese people like exercising by riding bikes.


三.Many cities have built bicycle lanes  in order to encourage people to cycle.

Now, more and more Chinese people also like to exercise by cycling.


四.In order to encourage people to cycle, bicycle lanes have been built in many cities. Moreover, more and more Chinese people like to exercise by bicycles.

【健身可以是exercise也可以是 build up their body 】









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